Startup Scripts

The easiest way to start the framework is by using startup scripts. Unfortunately, due to the flexibility of the framework and of the wide variety of different ways of processing files, the start up script is the most complicated piece of the framework.

A complete example of such as script can be found in the pipeline_template/scripts directory.

It is convenient to think of this script as being made of different blocks, not all of which are necessary at any given time.

The import block

To use the framework, add these imports to the startup script:

from keckdrpframework.core.framework import Framework
from keckdrpframework.config.framework_config import ConfigClass
from keckdrpframework.models.arguments import Arguments
from keckdrpframework.utils.drpf_logger import getLogger

The last import is only necessary if we want to customize the logging system, for example to add a secondary log for the pipeline, distinct from the main framework log.

Additional imports that are normally used are:

import subprocess
import time
import argparse
import sys
import traceback
import pkg_resources
import logging.config

Finally, it is important to import the actual pipeline definition file. The location of the pipeline can be found by looking at the structure of the pipeline_template package.

from template.pipelines.template_pipeline import TemplatePipeline

Of course, this assumes that there is a pipeline package called template, that is has a submodule called pipelines (basically a directory with a file) with a module which describes the actual pipeline as specified in pipelines_.

The argument parser

The following section of the startup script implements a function that parses arguments and passes them to the main function.

There is no mandatory structure for the argument parser: the purpose of the startup script is to decide how to start the framework, which files to work on, and which event(s) to trigger. Any way that provides access to these functions is acceptable. A good way to learn about the possible parameters is again to look at the pipeline_template startup script, but we can provide a possible set of useful parameters here. It is important to note that if a parameter is offered to the users, the corresponding piece of code must be added to the main function, which is the reason why we cannot really provide a standardized startup script.

We start with the definition of the function:

def _parseArguments(in_args):
    description = "Template pipeline CLI"

    # this is a simple case where we provide a frame and a configuration file
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=f"{in_args[0]}", description=description)
  • parser.add_argument('-c', dest="config_file", type=str, help="Configuration file") This parameter can be used

to override the standard configuration file for the pipeline. In the pipeline_template package, the configuration files are stored in a config directory, and accessed directly using the package discovery system offered by the pkg_resources Python module. If we add this parameter, users can build a configuration file in the working directory and then specify that it should be used instead of the default one.

  • parser.add_argument('-f', '--frames', nargs='*', type=str, help='input image file (full path, list ok)', default=None)

This parameters specifies which files should be processed by the pipeline

  • parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', dest='file_list', help='File containing a list of files to be processed', efault=None)

If used, this parameters allows users to provide a file containing a list of files to be processed

  • parser.add_argument('-infiles', dest="infiles", help="Input files", nargs="*") Paired with the next argument (-d)

this argument specifies the file pattern to use in ingesting the files in a directory

  • parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', dest="dirname", type=str, help="Input directory", nargs='?', default=None)

Used with the previous argument, this argument specifies which directory should be used to ingest files.

  • parser.add_argument('-m', '--monitor', dest="monitor", action='store_true', default=False) If this flag is

set in the command line, after ingesting all the files in the directory specified, the framework will enter into monitoring mode, and keep ingesting files as they appear. It has to be specified together with the -W argument which tells the framework to continue operating even when all the events have been processed.

The following arguments are reserved for the pipeline control flow and will be described separately (TBD!!)

parser.add_argument("-i", "--ingest_data_only", dest="ingest_data_only", action="store_true",
                    help="Ingest data and terminate")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--wait_for_event", dest="wait_for_event", action="store_true", help="Wait for events")
parser.add_argument("-W", "--continue", dest="continuous", action="store_true",
                    help="Continue processing, wait for ever")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--start_queue_manager_only", dest="queue_manager_only", action="store_true",
                    help="Starts queue manager only, no processing",

Finally, the _parseArguments function is closed by passing the results to the main function:

args = parser.parse_args(in_args[1:])
return args

The main function


The main function opens with:

def main():

args = _parseArguments(sys.argv)


The configuration system is flexible and can be adapted to the need of the specific pipeline. Normally, it is a good habit to have a separate configuration file for the framework and one for the pipeline itself. We can also have a logging configuration file. In the following we will assume that all three files are used.

The basic principle used is this: a standard configuration file is provided for the framework, the pipeline and the logger. The configuration files live in a configs directory, part of the main package defining the pipeline. Since it is the most likely to need changes, the pipeline configuration file can be overridden by the -c parameter. A suitable part of the code handles this parameter.

The block looks like this:

pkg = 'template'

# load the framework config file from the config directory of this package
# this part uses the pkg_resources package to find the full path location
# of framework.cfg
framework_config_file = "configs/framework.cfg"
framework_config_fullpath = pkg_resources.resource_filename(pkg, framework_config_file)

# load the logger config file from the config directory of this package
# this part uses the pkg_resources package to find the full path location
# of logger.cfg
framework_logcfg_file = 'configs/logger.cfg'
framework_logcfg_fullpath = pkg_resources.resource_filename(pkg, framework_logcfg_file)

# add PIPELINE specific config files
# this part uses the pkg_resource package to find the full path location
# of template.cfg or uses the one defines in the command line with the option -c
if args.config_file is None:
    pipeline_config_file = 'configs/template.cfg'
    pipeline_config_fullpath = pkg_resources.resource_filename(pkg, pipeline_config_file)
    pipeline_config = ConfigClass(pipeline_config_fullpath, default_section='TEMPLATE')
    pipeline_config = ConfigClass(args.pipeline_config_file, default_section='TEMPLATE')

While the first two are obvious and are meant to find the full path for the configuration files, the entry for the pipeline deserves some explanation. In the example shown here, we use ConfigClass, a class provided by the keckdrpframework.config.framework_config module. This class subclasses the standard ConfigParser class and provides a set of default parameters and the possibility of specifying a default section of the configuration file. In our case, the section of the configuration file is TEMPLATE. This means that the pipeline configuration file will have a [TEMPLATE] section with all the parameters related to the pipeline.

The pkg variable should be se to the actual name of the current package.

Initialization of the framework

The framework is initialized by creating an instance of the main class. The class takes two arguments: the first is the pipeline class imported above, the second is either an instance of ConfigClass or, in the example shown below, the full path to a configuration file.

    framework = Framework(TemplatePipeline, framework_config_fullpath)
    framework.config.instrument = pipeline_config
except Exception as e:
    print("Failed to initialize framework, exiting ...", e)

In this example, we are making the assumption that this pipeline reduces data for a specific instrument, and to simplify the namespace, we assign the configuration to the variable instrument. As a matter of fact, there is only one configuration structure (framework.config). This structure can be expanded to contain other configurations, such as the instrument or pipeline configuration shown in the example. This ensures that the main configuration and all the additional configuration are always available for classes and functions. Note also that we are configuring the entire logging system using logging.config.fileConfig. The example configuration file for the logger (configs/logger.cfg) already defines two different loggers, one for the framework (DRPF) and one for the pipeline (TEMPLATE). Each of the two loggers use two handlers, a console handler and a file handler. The entire system can be configured as desired by changing the logger configuration file.

The final step in starting the framework is to assign two loggers to their respective objects:

framework.context.pipeline_logger = getLogger(framework_logcfg_fullpath, name="TEMPLATE")
framework.logger = getLogger(framework_logcfg_fullpath, name="DRPF")

Processing of files and arguments

This part of the script depends on which parameters are offered to the users in the argument parsers. In the assumption that the parameters are -f, -l, -i, -d, -m, the following example shows how to deal with those options.

if args.queue_manager_only:
    # The queue manager runs for ever."Starting queue manager only, no processing")

# frames processing
elif args.frames:
    for frame in args.frames:
        # ingesting and triggering the default ingestion event specified in the configuration file
        framework.ingest_data(None, args.frames, False)

# processing of a list of files contained in a file
elif args.file_list:
    frames = []
    with open(args.file_list) as file_list:
        for frame in file_list:
            if "#" not in frame:
    framework.ingest_data(None, frames, False)

# ingest an entire directory, trigger "next_file" on each file, optionally continue to monitor if -m is specified
elif (len(args.infiles) > 0) or args.dirname is not None:
    framework.ingest_data(args.dirname, args.infiles, args.monitor)

framework.start(args.queue_manager_only, args.ingest_data_only, args.wait_for_event, args.continuous)

The code is rather self explanatory. Note that we are making calls to ingest_data: this method of the framework is used to perform the basic ingestion and processing of a file. It does two things: 1) parse the header and create a Pandas dataframe with the header keywords as columns and entries for each file and 2) trigger the default ingestion event as specified in the framework configuration file, usually next_file.

Users have full control on this startup procedure. For example, it is possible to set the default ingestion event to one of the “do nothing” events, such as noop or no_event (see the base pipeline class), and then manually trigger a custom event on each of the imported files by doing something like this:

for frame in args.frames:
   arguments = Arguments(name=frame)
   framework.append_event('my_preferred_event', arguments)

The final step is to protect the main function:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Operational modes

Reduction of individual files

To reduce a single file or a set of files, the framework can be started with the following command line:

>>> -frames=file1.fits file2.fits

The default script will add a default event to the queue, using the file name as a argument. This event is specified in the configuration file, as default_ingestion_event. A standard event is provided as default, called ingest_only. This event is always available, inherited from the BasePipeline. It does not process the data in any way.

Ingestion of all the files in a specified directory

If a number of files are already stored in a specified directory, the framework can be started with the following command line:

>>> -infiles=*.fits -directory=/home/data

All the files in the specified directory will be ingested if they match the infiles pattern, and a next_file event will be triggered for each of them. If -m -W are specified in the command line, the framework will continue to monitor the directory, and trigger the default ingestion event for each new file. See previous section for a description of the default event.

Starting the framework processing engine with no files

It is possible to start the framework independently from any actual data to process. This is useful for the multiprocessing mode.

To start the framework in this mode, use this command line:
